Today my heart breaks for the Men and Women
who would glady place their lives in the hands of political
leaders who use them to keep the freedoms they say we still have
but do you believe them?
They send our sons, daughters, neices, nephews
Mothers and Fathers off to another product
of the never ending war machine
Don't show the flag drapped coffins on the
glowing cable fed box
Don't show the loss of limb and life
don't show the grieving son and wife
Just show them what you want them to see
a freedom that really isn't free as you
Wipe your tears and watch reality TV
Don't look at the NDAA or what the TSA is doing
Don't look at the truth, look only at that
which is a force fed reality
Don't think, don't act, or say a word
--think outside the box and you are labeled
Un--Patriotic....Un--American.....Un--grateful for the sacrifices
they have made ALL FOR YOU
which of course, isn't true
Today my heart breaks for the Men and Women
who would glady place their lives in the hands of political
leaders who use them to keep the freedoms they say we still have
but do you believe them?
KF Mosca
Copyright 2012
Not to be used without the permisson of KF Mosca
who would glady place their lives in the hands of political
leaders who use them to keep the freedoms they say we still have
but do you believe them?
They send our sons, daughters, neices, nephews
Mothers and Fathers off to another product
of the never ending war machine
Don't show the flag drapped coffins on the
glowing cable fed box
Don't show the loss of limb and life
don't show the grieving son and wife
Just show them what you want them to see
a freedom that really isn't free as you
Wipe your tears and watch reality TV
Don't look at the NDAA or what the TSA is doing
Don't look at the truth, look only at that
which is a force fed reality
Don't think, don't act, or say a word
--think outside the box and you are labeled
Un--Patriotic....Un--American.....Un--grateful for the sacrifices
they have made ALL FOR YOU
which of course, isn't true
Today my heart breaks for the Men and Women
who would glady place their lives in the hands of political
leaders who use them to keep the freedoms they say we still have
but do you believe them?
KF Mosca
Copyright 2012
Not to be used without the permisson of KF Mosca